Are You Having Trouble With Your Conversations?
Do you find that you frequently mishear people? You are not alone. Check out the below article to read about neurologist and writer, Oliver Sacks’, mishearings. If his experiences sound familiar to you, please give us a call. We can help! Learn more about mishearings →
Mont Stong interviewed by ABC 7 News!
During the playoffs with the New Orleans Pelicans, their coach said he wasn’t sure the decibel level at Oracle was legal. And it’s only gotten louder during the finals. “It was insane,” said one fan. “Like nothing else I’ve ever been to.” Mont Stong is an audiologist in San Francisco who treats patients with hearing…
Balance & Vestibular Evaluations Now Available
We are excited to offer balance and vestibular evaluations for patients experiencing balance disorders and related symptoms including dizziness and vertigo… Continue Reading.
Deaf Jazz Singer Hits All the Right Notes
SUN, MAY 17 Despite not being able to hear for nearly a decade, a jazz musician still commands the stage. Read more here!
Hearing Loss in Children
Hearing ability is important for children to develop speech and language skills as they grow. In the past, hearing loss in children often went undetected until the child was around two years old, when it became obvious that he or she wasn’t talking yet. Research has demonstrated that detection and intervention for hearing loss prior…
Healthy Hearing Guide
Do you or a loved one have hearing loss? This comprehensive guide to healthy hearing contains a broad overview of hearing loss, hearing aids, and helping friends and family with hearing loss.
Invisible Hearing Loss
A relatively new term in audiology is invisible hearing loss. Of course, it’s not new or surprising to hearing care professionals (HCPs) that hearing loss is “invisible.” That is, the person with hearing loss looks exactly like the person without hearing loss… Invisible hearing loss (IHL) refers to people who present with essentially normal hearing…
Spring Newsletter
Read our latest spring newsletter and learn about recreation background noise, earwax, the effects of hearing loss on your loved ones and how to protect your investments in hearing aids! Download the Newsletter
The Way You Think About Hearing Care Can Affect Your Overall Health
Your attitude toward hearing care can affect your overall health. That’s one of the topics explored at the Revolution for the Senses conference held in Orlando, Florida February 27 – March 1, 2015. More than 1100 leading hearing care professionals from across the US participated in the national conference that focused on hearing and its…
Spoken Languages
Did you know San Francisco Audiology is able to speak in a wide variety of languages? English Spanish Tagalog French German Hebrew Danish Tamil