Hearing aids don’t just help you hear better, they help you lead a healthier, happier life. Research suggests that one of the many benefits of hearing aids is that they can help improve your mental and cognitive health.
Benefits of Hearing Aids 
There are 48 million people throughout the country suffering from hearing loss. Living with untreated hearing loss can do more damage than originally thought and those who seek treatment see improvements in all aspects of their lives including:
- Better balance
- Less risk of falls
- Improved confidence
- Better focus
- Improved ability to learn
- Improved cognitive and mental health
Hearing Aids, Cognition and Mental Health
A study from the University of Michigan looked at data from 114,862 adults aged 66 years and older. Each of the participants had been diagnosed with hearing loss within the last three years. The study examined the association between hearing aid use and the onset of dementia, anxiety or depression.
The results showed that participants who use hearing aids have a lower risk for getting a diagnosis of dementia, depression or anxiety within three years of a hearing loss diagnosis. Specifically:
- The risk of dementia was 18% lower.
- The risk of depression or anxiety was 11 % lower.
Understanding the Connection
While researchers don’t yet know the exact reason for the correlation between mental and cognitive decline and hearing loss, several theories exist, including:
- Hearing loss forces the brain to work harder, which taxes resources otherwise available for memory and concentration.
- A decrease in the brain’s “gray matter” may lead to a shrinkage in brain cells and a resulting inability to process sound.
- People with untreated hearing loss are more likely to suffer from isolation and lack of socialization, which has been shown to accelerate cognitive decline and dementia.
Early treatment with hearing aids allows you to stay connected to your world and do the things you love, like hosting family dinners or taking a painting class at the San Francisco Senior Center. If you think you are struggling with hearing loss, one of the most important things you can do for your physical and mental health is to schedule a hearing test.
For more information or to schedule an appointment with a hearing aid expert, call San Francisco Audiology today.